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Setting UI 

Fun on every Touch

The Product :

Setting App Ui that make user customize there phone settings very easily and quickly .

Duration :

September 2021 to November 2021

Tools Used :

Pen & Paper

- Understanding The Challenge -

Summary :

The core of the challenge was "to mange the time as much as possible ", which is surrounded by a number of tasks. For example, finding options in different pages , changing the color of all phone as per the mood. I did not want to jump right into ideating concepts based on assumptions. Instead, I wanted to understand as much of the color & design planning experience as I could in this limited amount of time to make sure my concept was effective and valuable to users.


The Gole :

As a UX designer & UX researcher , I played all the roles required for this project eg-Conducting interviews, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs. My Goal was to design an Setting app UI for end users that allows users to easily customize phone settings in just few seconds .

- Research -

Interview :

Style is such a subjective field that almost everyone has their own definition. I decided to first talk to 5 people in my network. In the recruitment, I tried to have people different in age and profession for better generalizability.

Also, I created empathy maps to understand the users I'm designing for and their needs.  A primary user group identified through research was working adults who don't have time to go in-depth of phone setting to customize. 

This user group confirmed initial assumptions about smart phone customers, but research also revealed that time was not the only factor limiting users from customization.  Other user problems included obligations , interaction  , or accessibility  that make it difficult to customize setting for comfort use of smartphone .

Persona Development:

I quickly coded the responses from the interviews and found that customizing phone  considered the central task because it took place almost everyday and the process involved the most pain points, which will be discussed in a later section.

In the fast world almost everyone wants that do anything as much as possible. Everyone wants the single touch solution of any problem.

The communication with the partipants helped me create the following two personas.

Problem statement:  EMMY is a student who need setting UI where she can quickly customize her phone’s volume, display and internet  settings because she want to present her project demo via her phone to the teacher without any disturbance in phone.

Pain Points :

During the persona creation and discussion with the end users i noted some pain points of the users that they are facing everyday .


Working adults are too busy to spend time for customize phone settings.


All smartphone settings UI are not equipped with quick assistive technologies .


Without option icons in settings app UI are often difficult to understand to opt quickly wright option.


There is no search baar to find option , if option is not listed in main page.

User Journey Map :

Mapping Emma's user journey revealed how helpful to have access to a quick responsive setting app UI.

Google UX Design Certificate - Persona [Template].jpg

My next step was to tell a story of how my personas were currently carrying out the tasks. My main strategy here was to

User Journey Map.jpg

Sketching w/ Pen & Paper :


Paper Wireframe :

Taking the time to draft iteration each of the screen of the app on the paper ensured that the element that made it to digital wireframe would be well-suited to address users pain points . For the main screen, I prioritized a quick and easy customizable process to help users save time.

Profile details.png
Main Page
Other Network settings.png
Other network setting
More options.png
SIM Options
SIM Details.png
SIM Details
Bluetooth Options
wifi details.png
Wi-Fi options

High-Fidelity Design :-

In this phase, my emphasis was put on visual consistency and how my interface and interaction could serve the core functionalities. Also, I challenged myself a little bit by using iPhone X as the device.

02.00_iPhone X - Dark.png
Flight mode.png

Airplane Mode On



Easy navigation way a key users need to address in the designs in addition to equipping the app to work with assistive technologies.

settings_SIM_airplane ON.png
wifi options.png

As the initial design phase continued ,
I made sure to base screen designs on feedback and findings from the user research.

Used icons to help make navigation easier.

- Design -

Entering the design phase, I kept in mind everything I had collected so far - personas, their pain points, and the new flows. I started visualizing stuff by roughly sketching out concepts.


I was able to obtain some heuristic feedback from my peers before starting high-fidelity design.


Prototyping :-

Using the completed set of digital mockups, I created a hi-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was building and customizing settings, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.

- Prototype -


- Evolution -

Usability study :- 

After the prototype was finished,  I went through a set of usability tests. One detail of the initial prototype was complained about multiple times.

I conducted two rounds of usability studies. Findings from the first study helped guide the designs from wireframes to mockups. The second study used a high-fidelity prototype and revealed what aspects of the mockups needed refining.

usability study.png

Mockup :- 

Using the completed set of digital mockups, I created a hi-fidelity prototype. The primary user flow I connected was building and customizing settings, so the prototype could be used in a usability study.


Early designs allowed for some customization,
but after the usability studies,
I added back options to  make easy navigate though the pages. I also revised the design so users see the transition effect while clicking the option.

Visual Design

When deciding the visual style of the app, I kept in mind that should be inspirational insead of leading. It should support the content.

With mostly black and white, combined with a little bit of accent color, the UI does not overshadow the colors of the icons themselves while still reminding the user of mood and style.

- Visual Design -

Next Step

Impact :-

The app makes users feel like smart really thinks about how to complete their task quickly

What I learned :-

While designing the Setting app UI, I learned that the first ideas for the app are only the beginning of the process. Usability studies and peer feedback influenced each iteration of the app’s designs.

One quote from peer feedback: :

“The app made it so easy and fun to customize my own setting! I would definitely use this app as a go-to for a quickly and smartly " .

- Next Step -


- Reflection -

I gave my best in this design project and learned a ton.

The Importance of Planning :-

With a broad problem in hand, I needed to plan the research and design process in order to narrow down to the core of the challenge.

The Voice of The User :-

I am glad that I kept the process user-centered. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to look at the problem with neutrality, nor can I spot some of the most fatal usability issues in my original design.

The Just-Do-It Attitude :-

I have always found it hard to make decisions, especially design decisions that would potentially influence way more people than I could imagine. This time I practiced forcing myself to use not just what I learnd from the user, but also instincts as a designer, to quickly get the ball rolling. It is always the iterative process that brings a design to a better state, and I just have to start somewhere.

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